Pushing past fear

This quote from Georgia O’ Keeffe resonates with me. Not because I live life terrified, but if I were truly honest, I refrain, withhold, and choose to stay within the boxes and constructs I’ve set up within my mind due to fear. Somewhere along the way, I have subjected myself and my work to the voice of an invisible crowd of critics. As I step out onto the stage of life, putting my creative work on display, finding this process deeply personal and vulnerable, I know that there is inherent risk. Risk of it not being liked, loved, repinned, or critiqued. As I write even these words, I ask myself, “Is it my creative best? Is it enough? Will people see this and respond? Can I find the words that push past the white noise of the other spaces on the Internet? Do I even have something worth saying?” 

It would be easy to give up, to stop, and never press publish. It would be incredibly easy, but on the other side of risk and these fears is incredible reward. How do we silence the voices of the critics that live inside our heads? What if it all comes down to choice?

As a creative this week, I will find ways to push past the normal constructs of my process, make some incredible work, look fear in the face, and create recklessly without abandon.

What is sitting on the opposite side of your fears? Maybe it’s a great song, stunning artwork, or the book you’ve always wanted to write. Maybe it’s choosing to look at hard conversations you need to have with a loved one, no longer avoiding the heart issues, and building intentional relationships. Restoration, beauty, adventure, and a full, stunning life is on the opposite side of your fears.

It’s time to go after it. The opposite side of fear is free and stunningly beautiful. Let’s go there.


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