Letting Go. What I didn’t do in 2016.

I didn’t lose weight (at least intentionally). I didn’t run a 5K or go on European adventures. I didn’t make a million or find myself on the Pacific Crest Trail. I didn’t get married or have a baby. There were a lot of things I didn’t do in 2016. While the aforementioned are light and funny, past the curated feed of this space, life in 2016 was a year of small victories and crushing, how-do-I-get-out-of-bed defeats. It is a year I will be more than happy to say farewell to as I continue to process the events of the last 365 days. The disappointments, hurts, and relationships I’ve had to say goodbye to. Something beautiful will come out of the pain, but until then I choose to move forward.

Here are a few things I did do in 2016.

I learned the basics of business.

The world of business is a crazy one, with high risk and high reward. I’ve learned big, huge, and tremendous lessons in the way I run my business, how to build creative culture, and what it means to be a visionary in this little town of mine. Nothing in this area is lost, and we’re moving forward day-by-day. I’ve been asked often over the past few months, “What is next?” and that is something only time can tell. I’m excited to return to this space and make the content better than before. (I’m hoping that the content you saw in December becomes the tip of the iceberg as far as the quality and where we’re going.)

There’s beauty in mystery.

Embracing mystery has been and will continue to be a lesson that is honed. In my environment, faith and the church are a big part of my story. There are years where I have far more questions than I do answers. There’s beauty in the mystery of faith, in my unanswered questions, and being willing to bring them to a place of prayer where I’m content, even when I am solely left the mystery. I choose to be okay and embrace it, the beauty of paradox and the nuances of life.

Trust is invaluable, given and earned.

Brene Brown recently gave an incredible talk on trust. She referred to it “As the person who can be trusted with all the marbles in your jar.” (Find her whole talk here.) Through change of relationships, I’ve found the people who have lent support, been trustworthy places, and the shoulders to cry on rather than being alone. They are the ones who have proven they are worthy of trust, again and again. More than anything, I’m convinced trust, love, and empathy are the greatest gifts we can offer others when it seems there are no answers. By nature I can trust quickly, almost too quickly. This has been a valuable lesson and I’m finding that trust is reciprocated and earned, just as much as it is given.

There are days when you manage life by your lists. There are other days when I let my list manage me.

As a creative, growing two businesses at the same time, a full-time student, and managing a team has been somewhat daunting. While it came in an unlikely package, I’m embracing the simplicity 2017 is offering me thus far. I want to be on top of managing my business, but embrace the freedom of being an entrepreneur. There’s something incredibly beautiful about not being managed by a to-do list.

There’s beauty in surrender. Life becomes much, much lighter. 

I titled this piece “Letting Go.” There are questions that still linger over 2016, hopes that didn’t happen, and relationships that will be different. More than anything, I’ve learned the beauty in letting these questions, lingering thoughts, and “what ifs” go. Love yourself and don’t hold on to things past their due time. Some things don’t get better with age. Through the process of letting go, love, forgiveness, and release can happen.

What are the things you didn’t do in 2016? As you move into 2017, what are some things you’re letting go of?

We’d love to hear from you. Let us know in the comments below.

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